Why Join East Valley Astronomy Club?
Our members have a wide range of interests and experience. Whether you are in the market for equipment, looking to get started in astronomy or need help or advice on a project, chances are someone in our club has been there before and would be willing to help out.
Club star parties and meetings give you a chance to meet new friends, get together with old friends, talk astronomy and spend some time under the stars.
The club has access to several good observing sites, eliminating the need to try to find a site on your own.
The club offers the opportunity to actively participate in the promotion of the astronomical sciences.
Join or Renew Membership
Regardless of payment option, please ensure that the Treasurer receives a membership application and a waiver form. These documents are necessary to process your request to join the club.
Member Dues
Based on month joining.
Individual Membership
$30.00 - When joining between Jan - June
$15.00 - When joining between July - Dec (Renew in January)
Family Membership
$35.00 - When joining between Jan - June
$20.00 - When joining between July - Dec (Renew in January)
Add On Items
Name Badge
$10.00 each
Astronomical League Membership
$10.00 per person
Educational Membership (Must be 18yr+ with Student ID)
$20.00 - When joining between Jan - June
$10.00 - When joining between July - Dec (Renew in January)
Astronomical League Membership
EVAC offers reduced cost of membership to the Astronomical League. EVAC members can join for an annual fee of $10.00.
To join the Astronomical League at the reduced rate:
Pay the EVAC Treasurer $10.00
Email the following information to the Treasurer and AL Coordinator:
Email Address
Home mailing address if you want a paper copy of the Reflector Quarterly Newsletter mailed to you.
Download the Astronomical League Presentation for more information.
Payment Options
Send Paypal payments to: sales@eastvalleyastronomy.org
Mail payments to:
EVAC or East Valley Astronomy Club
P.O. Box 2202
Mesa, AZ 85214-2202